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Senin, 28 November 2011


Java is a high level programming language and object-oriented Java programs are composed of parts called classes. Class consists of methods that do the work and restore the information after doing its job. Java programmers are taking advantage of a collection of classes in the Java class libraries, called the Java Application Programming Interface (API). These classes are organized into a group called the package (package). Java API already provides sufficient functionality to create sophisticated applications and applets. So there are two things to be learned in Java, the Java language and learn how to use classes in the Java API. Class is the only way of stating the execution of the program, there is no other way. In Java programs javac to compile Java source code into bytecode classes. Source code files have the extension *. java. Javac compiler produces bytecode class files with the extension *. class. Interpreting is the main module Java system used to run Java applications and Java bytecode programs.
Some of the advantages of java java is a simple language. Java is designed to be easy to learn and use effectively. Java does not provide complex features a high-level programming language, and a lot of programming work that was originally to be done manually, now superseded Java is done automatically like memory deallocation. For programmers who are familiar with C + + language would quickly learn the composition of the Java language but must be wary as they may take the direction of Java (semantiks) which is different than C + +.
Java is an object-oriented language (OOP) is a powerful way of organizing and software development. In OOP, a computer program as a group of interacting objects. Concise description of OOP is to organize the program as a collection of components, called objects. These objects exist independently, have the rules to communicate with other objects and other objects to order asking for specific information or request other objects to do something. Class act as well as the type of module. As a type it at the time of the road, the program creates objects that are instant-instant class. Class can inherit another class. Java does not allow multiple inheritance but the complete needs of multiple inheritance with a more elegant interface facilities.
The whole object must be declared first programmed before use. This is an advantage that is statically Typed Java. Coercion allows the Java compiler to determine and report the occurrence of conflict (incompatible) type which is the initial barricades to prevent unnecessary mistakes (such as subtracting a variable of type integer with a variable of type string). Prevention as early as might be expected to produce a clean program. Other good feature is more program code can be optimized to produce high-performance programs.
Java uses three-tier security model (three-layer security model) to protect the system from the untrusted Java code. First, the bytecode verifier reads bytecodes before bytecode is run and guarantee to meet the basic rules of the Java language. Second, the class loader to handle the loading of Java classes into a runtime interpreter. Third, the security manager to handle application level security to control whether the program has access to resources such as file systems, network port, an external process and window systems.
Platform independence is the ability of programs to work on different operating systems. Java language is a language that is perfectly platform independent. Java variable types have the same size on all platforms so that a variable of type integer of the same size no matter where the compiled Java program. Once it has created. Class file using the Java compiler on any platform, then the class file. It can run on any platform. So "wherever made, can be run anywhere". The slogan is commonly summarized as Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA).
Java Multithreading including language. Thread is to declare a computer program to do more than one task at a time the same. Java provides a class for writing multithreaded programs, the program has more than one thread of execution at the same time allowing the program to handle multiple tasks concurrently.
Java program to do garbage collection which means the program does not need to remove the objects themselves are not used anymore. This facility reduces the burden of memory management by the programmer and reduce or eliminate the biggest source of error contained in a language that allows dynamic allocation.
Java has exception-handling mechanisms are powerful. Exception-handling provides a way to separate the error handling section with the normal code that leads to the structure of program code that is cleaner and makes the application more rigid. When a serious error is found, the program creates the Java exception. Exception can be captured and managed the program without the risk of making the system to be down.
The program supports native Java method that is a function written in another language, usually C / C + +. Native method allows programmers to write functions that can be executed more quickly than an equivalent function in java. Native method will dynamically link to a program in java, which is associated with the current program running.
Besides the advantages of using the Java programming language, among others
memory on the Java garbage collector automatically equipped with a functioning mendealokasi memory that is not required. No more efforts made programmers to do the Dispose (). We are no longer burdened with the affairs of a memory corruption. Actually implement the Java array, eliminating the need pointer arithmetic is dangerous and easily be wrong. Eliminating multiple inheritance (multiple inheritance) replaced the facility interface. And easy to administer various platforms.
Grafical User Interface (GUI) is one of the support and the ability of Java-based graphical management interface. Graphical display is shown connected to the program and data storage. The basic elements for penciptan Java-based graphical display are two of the AWT and Swing packages. Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), or also called "Another Windowing Toolkit", is a general purpose windowing library and multiplatform as well as providing a number of classes to create a GUI in Java. With the AWT, can make a window, drawing, image manipulation, and components such as Button, Scrollbar, Checkbox, TextField, and pull-down menu.
Use of AWT components characterized by the instruction: import java.awt .*; Swing is an improvement of weakness in the AWT. Many Swing classes provide an alternative to the AWT components. For example Swing JButton class provides more functionality than the class Button. In addition swing components generally begins with the letter "J", such as JButton, JTextField, JFrame, JLabel, JTextArea, JPanel, and so on. Swing using technology and expand the ideas of AWT. Meanwhile, the use of Swing components are marked with the instruction: import javax.swing .*;
Some differences in AWT and Swing, AWT components are heavyweight (heavyweight) while the lightweight Swing (lightweight). Swing has more components. Facilities Swing Look and Feel: Metal, Windows, Motif. Swing components on the model-view, which is a way of development of components with separation of storage and handling of data from the visual representation of data.
Java programming language is one of the commonly used programming language for developing database applications created using MySQL

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